Your website hosting will make or break the success of your efforts. In affiliate marketing, the entire point is to have as many others to see the products you’re supporting as possible. You want to entice them and do everything in your power to increase traffic and conversion rates. If your website isn’t found by your target audience, your affiliate marketing isn’t going to be very successful, and this is why you want to be careful about which WordPress web hosting provider you’re going with. A poor quality WordPress web host can ruin your SEO efforts, slow your site down, and cause major security disruptions. You want one that will support you, and one that will boost you along the way giving your website the success it deserves.
What Characteristics Does The Best WordPress Web Hosting Provider Have?
While I personally only use WPengine, and that’s the only service I highly recommend my friends and family use, there are several options out there and I wanted to give you some information on how to choose the best WordPress web hosting provider if you’re a total newbie and don’t know a lot about managing web servers. When looking for the best WordPress Web Hosting Provider, you’ll naturally be looking for a few key characteristics and offerings provided. These WordPress web hosting provider characteristics are what set a particular service aside from all the rest, and what puts them on top to be in the “best” category. The key characteristics you’ll want to look out for when looking for the best WordPress web hosting provider are:
Able to support growing traffic levles – Your best WordPress web hosting provider will be able to support both low and high traffic coming into your website. You never want to limit your availability to your desired audiences, and for affiliate marketers, a page that loads for too long or not at all is a page that isn’t selling the products you’re promoting. The internet is a wide, open, and varied space, and a page supported by servers that take too much time or can’t accommodate high traffic needs, is a page that visitors will quickly leave in favor of finding their desired content someplace else. It’s much easier to scale your business up with the same hosting provider than it is to switch providers as you need to scale.
User support – User support is important, and if something goes wrong with your WordPress website, you don’t want it to be going wrong for long. The vast majority of WordPress hosting providers don’t actually have any WordPress experts on hand. Instead, they are experts on simply running your web server. Some services, like WPengine actually have both server specialists as well as WordPress experts ready to help with any problem you might have. User support helps you to squash any problems as quickly as you find them, particularly when that user support is a 24/7 service. Around the clock user support allows you to fix any issues that may arise on that Friday evening when you least expect it, and you won’t need to wait until Monday morning to get things up and running again, potentially costing you a lot of lost traffic in the process. Easy and accessible constant user support really sets the best WordPress hosting provider aside from all the others.
Customer satisfaction – Whether you’re looking for the best WordPress web hosting provider, or a new pair of shoes, customer satisfaction and customer reviews make smart shopping choices. These experiences and testimonials give you a firsthand account of what others have experienced using the WordPress web hosting provider, and what you can experience out of their service as well. Researching these reviews and opting for a WordPress web hosting provider that has the necessary positive customer experiences is doing what is best for your website and its success. With WordPress web hosting, you don’t want to just go with the cheapest web host, instead, you want to go with someone who is reliable and well known.
Dependable security – Another trait that only the best WordPress web hosting providers can boast is dependable security. With a security system you can trust in place, you don’t have to worry about your WordPress website being taken over by hackers, you keep your visitors secure, and data loss won’t be causing you stress. On top of this, dependable security also has an added benefit that many don’t think about. With proper security in place, your WordPress website will run faster, as false traffic and requests won’t be bogging your website down or causing any user lags. With WPengine, for example, all security is handled including plugins and various WordPress theme support. If all else fails, your site is automatically backed up every day automatically.
Performance tracking – Only the best WordPress web hosting provider will offer performance tracking to users, allowing you to stay on the up and up regarding how your website performs on any given day. A slow or poorly functioning website is one that won’t create the conversions you’re looking for in terms of affiliate marketing, and with performance tracking you can always make sure your website is running as quickly and as efficiently as possible.
Keep on top of content performance – You don’t just want to make sure your website is performing well, you want to make sure your content is performing well, too. The best WordPress web hosting provider will help you in tracking your content using Google Analytics tools, and show you the metrics and page views you need to know. Using this information, you can improve your content and adjust as your results dictate. You can always stay on top of how your website is performing, and how it can be improved.
Getting Down To The Best WordPress Web Hosting Provider
Now you know what to look for in regard to what makes the best WordPress web hosting provider, it’s time to break down these traits and see which hosting provider provides them all. Offering all of these characteristics and more is WPengine, a WordPress web hosting provider that prides itself on customer service, performance tracking, and state of the art innovative technology. For affiliate marketing, opting for WPengine means having the peace of mind that your website will be working when you need it, how you need it, and can develop and evolve to go right along with your markets and target audiences.
Using WPengine, you can build your WordPress website simply, and track how it performs while on the web in real time. Regarding your content, the hosting provider uses simple Google Analytics tools that can help you to track just how well your content is working, providing insight into how your content can work better in the future or keep your website on top. Should anything go wrong with your website, you’ll also be left not to worry. All questions and technical concerns can be brought to the attention of the customer support staff, at any time or on any day of the year, including holidays. The foremost concern of WPengine is customer satisfaction, and with a satisfaction rating of over 97%, it places WPengine squarely on top of the hosting provider competition.